General Hogwarts Notices
3 3
First Stop
Welcome to Hogwarts Magical! Here you can find all the important, general stuff that you will probably never look at ever again once accepted
Welcome to Hogwarts Magical! Here you can find all the important, general stuff that you will probably never look at ever again once accepted
Albus Dumbledore Avatar
The Plot
updated Aug 28, 2011 6:09:35 GMT -8
4 4
Student Applications
Come here to apply
Come here to apply
Daniel Ashton Avatar
Ashton, Daniel Mathias [WIP]
updated Jan 17, 2020 14:30:54 GMT -8
4 4
Find all your claims here from Prefects to Who's Who!
Find all your claims here from Prefects to Who's Who!
Albus Dumbledore Avatar
Special Claims
updated Oct 11, 2019 15:24:03 GMT -8
1 2
Questions, Announcements
Have any questions? Post them here.

Announcements will also be posted here so check back regularly.
Have any questions? Post them here.

Announcements will also be posted here so check back regularly.
Lorena Angela Scott Avatar
Christmas Ball!
updated Dec 19, 2019 12:50:48 GMT -8
2 7
Admins' Corner
This is where the Admins have meetings about up coming events, and such.
This is where the Admins have meetings about up coming events, and such.
Extras for Members
0 0
Character Journals
Here you can create a journal or diary for your characters. A place to record their feelings, their thoughts or their memories or whatever else they want to write in it.

Please note, while it is possible for everyone to read these boards, do not post in someone else's journal, they are private books belonging only to the person that created it. Any postings in another journal will be deleted, no warnings!
Here you can create a journal or diary for your characters. A place to record their feelings, their thoughts or their memories or whatever else they want to write in it.

Please note, while it is possible for everyone to read these boards, do not post in someone else's journal, they are private books belonging only to the person that created it. Any postings in another journal will be deleted, no warnings!
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1 1
Thread Trackers
Have to many threads going on?
Start a thread with all your threads links to keep your self organized.
Have to many threads going on?
Start a thread with all your threads links to keep your self organized.
Lexie Estelle Raine Avatar
Lolos Stuff
updated Oct 24, 2019 14:47:30 GMT -8
1 1
Want to plot with other characters before you thread? Put it here.
Want to plot with other characters before you thread? Put it here.
Lorena Angela Scott Avatar
Diana's Characters
updated Jan 14, 2020 15:35:08 GMT -8
0 0
Thread Graveyard
All finished threads will go here
All finished threads will go here
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0 0
Slytherin Common
Where the Slytherins stay.
Where the Slytherins stay.
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1 18
An empty classroom.
An empty classroom.
Lorena Angela Scott Avatar
updated May 20, 2020 12:31:49 GMT -8
0 0
Potions Classrom
This is where Potions is taught.
This is where Potions is taught.
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0 0
Main Corridor
This is known as Slytherin territory.
This is known as Slytherin territory.
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0 0
Hufflepuff Common Room
This is where the Hufflepuffs stay.
This is where the Hufflepuffs stay.
no posts were found
0 0
Storage Room
Just a regular storage room.
Just a regular storage room.
no posts were found
0 0
Professor Sprout's Office
You can find Professor Sprout here.
You can find Professor Sprout here.
no posts were found
0 0
You know how to get in?
You know how to get in?
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Ground Floor
1 14
Entrance Hall
Welcome to the great Hogwarts!
Welcome to the great Hogwarts!
Lorena Angela Scott Avatar
Late night duties (Lorena)
updated Nov 1, 2019 14:01:15 GMT -8
1 14
Christmas Ball
Mingle and fun at the great Christmas Ball!
Mingle and fun at the great Christmas Ball!
Lorena Angela Scott Avatar
Now or Never [Anthony & Blaise]
updated Sept 21, 2020 22:04:28 GMT -8
0 0
Great Hall
This is where everyone eats.
This is where everyone eats.
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First Floor
0 0
History of Magic Classroom
This is where History of Magic is taught.
This is where History of Magic is taught.
no posts were found
0 0
Transfiguration Classroom
This is where Transfiguration is held.
This is where Transfiguration is held.
no posts were found
Second Floor
0 0
Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom
This is where Moaning Myrtle is. Be careful, girls.
This is where Moaning Myrtle is. Be careful, girls.
no posts were found
0 0
Charms Classroom
This is where Professor Flitwick teaches Charms.
This is where Professor Flitwick teaches Charms.
no posts were found
0 0
Muggle Studies Classroom
This is where Muggle Studies is taught.
This is where Muggle Studies is taught.
no posts were found
Third Floor
0 0
Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom
This is where DADA is held.
This is where DADA is held.
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0 0
Forbidden Corridor
This corridor is Forbidden to EVERYONE!
This corridor is Forbidden to EVERYONE!
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0 0
Trophy Room
This is where you can see achievements of people who came to Hogwarts.
This is where you can see achievements of people who came to Hogwarts.
no posts were found
0 0
Hospital Wing
Sick? Come to the hospital wing!
Sick? Come to the hospital wing!
no posts were found
Fourth Floor
0 0
Storage Room
Just a storage room.
Just a storage room.
no posts were found
0 0
Ancient Runes Classroom
This is where Ancient Runes is held.
This is where Ancient Runes is held.
no posts were found
0 0
Want to read books? Have to study? The library is the place for you!
Want to read books? Have to study? The library is the place for you!
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Fifth Floor
0 0
Prefects' Bathroom
This is where The Prefects and Quidditch captains come to pamper themselves.
This is where The Prefects and Quidditch captains come to pamper themselves.
no posts were found
0 0
Detention Room
This is where detention is held.
This is where detention is held.
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1 8
Spare Classroom
Just another Spare Classroom
Just another Spare Classroom
Lexie Estelle Raine Avatar
Bullet to the Heart [Lexie]
updated Oct 4, 2020 10:23:38 GMT -8
0 0
Clock Tower 1
This is clock tower one.
This is clock tower one.
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Sixth Floor
0 0
Clock Tower 2
This is clock tower two.
This is clock tower two.
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1 8
Storage Room
Another storage room, filled with old things.
Another storage room, filled with old things.
Aurora Emilia Miller Avatar
hide and seek [OPEN]
updated May 20, 2020 10:51:23 GMT -8
0 0
A place students can relax between classes.
A place students can relax between classes.
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Seventh Floor
0 0
Arithmacy Classroom
Arithmacy is taught here.
Arithmacy is taught here.
no posts were found
0 0
Room of Requirements
The things you want will appear, if you think hard.
The things you want will appear, if you think hard.
no posts were found
0 0
Clock Tower Level 3
This is clock tower three.
This is clock tower three.
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0 0
Gryffindor Common Room
This is where the Gryffindors hang out.
This is where the Gryffindors hang out.
no posts were found
0 0
Divination Classroom
This is where Divination is held.
This is where Divination is held.
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1 11
Ravenclaw Common Room
This is where the Ravenclaws hang.
This is where the Ravenclaws hang.
Lucas Theodore Andrews Avatar
Distracted [Anthony]
updated Mar 24, 2020 1:27:33 GMT -8
0 0
Astrology Classroom
This is where Astrology is taught.
This is where Astrology is taught.
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0 0
Hidden Tower
Only few know of the Hidden Tower.
Only few know of the Hidden Tower.
no posts were found
0 0
The Owlery
Want to send a letter? Come to the owlery.
Want to send a letter? Come to the owlery.
no posts were found
0 0
Headmaster's Office
You can find Dumbledore here.
You can find Dumbledore here.
no posts were found
Outside Hogwarts
0 0
Green Houses
This is where Herbology is taught.
This is where Herbology is taught.
no posts were found
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Care of Magical Creatures Class
This is where Care of Magical Creatures Class is held.
This is where Care of Magical Creatures Class is held.
no posts were found
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Hagrid's Hut
This is where Hagrid and Fang live.
This is where Hagrid and Fang live.
no posts were found
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The Whomping Willow
This is the tree that hits back, better be careful.
This is the tree that hits back, better be careful.
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The Courtyards
The Courtyard is located at the center of the school buildings. It is a bright, open space with benches located around the edges for students to gather in the fresh air after a tiring day of lessons.
The Courtyard is located at the center of the school buildings. It is a bright, open space with benches located around the edges for students to gather in the fresh air after a tiring day of lessons.
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1 26
The Black Lake
You can take dip here, but watch out for the giant squid.
You can take dip here, but watch out for the giant squid.
Anthony Culver Goldstein Avatar
On The Rocks [FINISHED]
updated Jan 15, 2020 1:13:36 GMT -8
0 0
The Forbidden Forest
Forbidden to EVERY STUDENT!
Forbidden to EVERY STUDENT!
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Outside Hogwarts Gates
0 0
Diagon Alley
It is accessible to the wizarding world, to which it is something of an economic hub, but hidden from Muggles. However, Muggles are allowed access to it if they need to accompany their Muggle-born magical children. If a wizard or witch needs something, chances are that it can be found in Diagon Alley.
It is accessible to the wizarding world, to which it is something of an economic hub, but hidden from Muggles. However, Muggles are allowed access to it if they need to accompany their Muggle-born magical children. If a wizard or witch needs something, chances are that it can be found in Diagon Alley.
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0 0
Knockturn Alley
s a dark and seedy alleyway leading off from the more savory Diagon Alley to which Muggles have no access. It is frequented largely by Dark Wizards. Many of the shops in Knockturn Alley are devoted to the Dark Arts; the largest is Borgin & Burkes, which sells sinister and dangerous objects.
s a dark and seedy alleyway leading off from the more savory Diagon Alley to which Muggles have no access. It is frequented largely by Dark Wizards. Many of the shops in Knockturn Alley are devoted to the Dark Arts; the largest is Borgin & Burkes, which sells sinister and dangerous objects.
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0 0
Hogsmeade Village is the only entirely wizarding village in Britain. Only third years and above may visit here with guardian consent
Hogsmeade Village is the only entirely wizarding village in Britain. Only third years and above may visit here with guardian consent
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The Wizarding World
0 0
Platform Nine and Three Quarters
The ride on the Hogwarts Express starts from King's Cross railway station platform 9¾, which is invisible to Muggle eyes and is reached by walking through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10.
The ride on the Hogwarts Express starts from King's Cross railway station platform 9¾, which is invisible to Muggle eyes and is reached by walking through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10.
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1 1
Private Residence
In your application, please include a picture of your intended dwelling and a description.
In your application, please include a picture of your intended dwelling and a description.
Albus Dumbledore Avatar
How to Apply
updated Jun 29, 2010 17:04:50 GMT -8
Out of Character
0 0
Non HP Related
Come here to talk about anything your heart desires!
Come here to talk about anything your heart desires!
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5 5
Advertise your site here. Guest Friendly.
Advertise your site here. Guest Friendly.
Guest Avatar
updated Mar 28, 2020 20:30:28 GMT -8
36 total threads 139 total posts 10 members
Lexie Estelle Raine Avatar
Bullet to the Heart [Lexie] latest updated thread (Oct 4, 2020 10:23:38 GMT -8)
online now
26 guests
0 members
0 staff
online today
50 guests
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0 staff
please welcome Daniel Ashton to the fold